Manage themes
Allows you to manage installed Osclass Enterprise themes. The currently active theme will be shown at the top, under Current theme. Any additional themes that have been installed will be shown under Available themes, and can be activated at anytime.
Add a new theme
There are two different ways to add a new theme:
1. Browse through our Market. Access Osclass Enterprise Market through the upper right tab and you'll be able to choose among a wide variety of themes.
2. Upload it manually
This is ideal if you want to upload a theme of your own or any other theme not available at Osclass Enterprise Market. Browse your computer for the downloaded zip file, select it and click Upload. If the upload was successful, you'll be taken to the Manage themes page.
You can then activate your new theme by clicking the Activate link that appears just above the theme preview for the new theme.
Add or remove widgets
On the Appearance menu, you can also Manage widgets. Yo can add or remove widgets either from the header or the footer of your site. To add a new widget, just click on the "Add HTML widget" button. You'll be directed to the following editing screen:
You just need to enter a description (for internal purposes) and the HTML Code for the Widget.
Theme Settings
Most of Osclass Enterprise themes are highly customisable and allow to configure and edit some features. If your theme is customisable, you'll see a "Theme Settings" option among the "Appearance" menu.
Through these options you can change the search placeholder text, modify the listing view, remove the Osclass Enterprise link on the footer or even place advertising on your Osclass Enterprise website.
Furthermore, many themes also allow you to change the header logo. If this option is available, you'll see it in the Appearance drop-down menu.